Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Finally...something to talk about

REAL SNOW!!!!!! and a lot of it

just kidding....these photos were from last year at this time and the massive SNOW STORM IN GA 1-2008 (we were soooo excited). Check out Camden's face.

But finally, here in PA, we had a total blanketing of snow. I think there is about 5 inches out there. I know that is nothing like what all of our family has back in Indiana-I think they got about 12 inches! Now, that is a lot of snow!!! But compared to what we experienced last year in Georgia at this time (and were very excited about), this was a massive amount of snow.
REAL SNOW!!!!! So much more fun!

School was canceled for Broderick and John was initially on just a two hour delay. But, the University ended up closing as well. Our neighbors said that our kids were outside before their kids were even moving in their beds! She and her husband are debating though, "which Frye group is more excited about this fluffy white cold stuff - the kiddies or the parents"....I think the jury is still out on that one. The boys played outside for a short while this morning until it started raining, which was about the time I finally got Adalynn all bundled up. It has continued to rain and sleet most the day, so I am sure the roads will be a mess in the morning. I hope that means just a two hour delay for Broderick and not another cancellation. Each day he misses school gets tacked on to the end of the year. I think they had a few 'built-in' days, but today will probably end up being added. Right now, he doesn't get out of school until mid-June.


Late last week, we still had snow on the ground from the last snow storm that went through. The sad thing is that all of the snow we have had has not been good packing snow. We have not been able to build a snowman or anything. But on Friday, the warm temperatures caused some of the snow to melt and it was perfect for snowman building. It was 50 degrees outside and we built our first snowmen. The boys were very excited and Adalynn just kept staring at them and saying "snowman". I tried several times to get her to touch the snowman's belly or give him a kiss. She would just yell "noooooo"!! The dog was also scared to death of the snowmen. He growled at them later that evening when I took him potty. I ended up having to walk him to the other side of the deck for him to do his business.

I can't believe Adalynn is almost 20 months old. That sounds so big and grown-up. She is definitely starting to look more toddler like and the baby-ness is quickly fading. She is also growing hair!!!! Yea!!!! We are so excited. It seems like it may be curly like Camden's was at this age. His stayed curly for awhile and has a lot of texture and body now, but all the curls have been cut off. I look forward to her curly hair lasting a little while longer. There is definitely no rush in cutting it! Isn't it adorable??? Can you believe how much she looks like Camden?
Align CenterCAMDEN Spring 2006....CHECK OUT HIS CURLS Align Left


She is definitely a very busy little lady. I find myself getting frustrated with her so much and thinking to myself 'the boys didn't do this' and 'I don't remember the boys doing that'. But then it dawned on me...I was working! They were at daycare and/or with a babysitter all day long. I am sure they were just as ornery, but because I wasn't with them all day and all night long, it didn't seem as bad. There are days Adalynn drives me nuts. I love her with all my heart, but UGH!!! Being a mommy to a very independent, strong willed little lady is HARD. I am sure it will continue to get harder as she grows up. The pastor who spoke at MOPS the other day, said "get them through 2 and 13 alive and you'll be fine". Adalynn is so close to 2 and she is really beginning to act that way! She loves getting into the cabinets and making a mess of the baggies, napkins, and paper plates. She also loves to pull the dishtowel off the stove and soak it in the dog's bowl (only then to wipe the wall's or suck the water out of the towel herself). Her favorite thing by far, though is playing with the salt and pepper shakers on the kitchen table. Sometimes, I have to just laugh at her or I am going to scream. John and I are both convinced that she can get away with a lot more than the boys ever did. Especially at night, when she tells daddy to "lay-pillow" as he is getting his things ready for the next day and she is wide awake in our bed. One of these days she will sleep in her own bed and I am sure I will miss these days!

Adalynn is definitely adored by her brothers. They find all her antics quite amusing and are constantly asking "did I used to do that, mommy?" They love her to pieces!

Camden plays with her all the time some of the day, but he gets frustrated with her breaking his Lego creations, scribbling on his paper, or hijacking his remote control and turning it off his Dora. She also loves to steal his cars and take all of his tools from the tool bench.

Broderick on the other hand loves spending time with her. His favorite game is "chase" in which he runs around on his knees and lets her chase after him. He also loves carrying her, but up until recently she would fight him and he didn't get to do it very long. Now she will put her head down on his shoulder and will even lay in his arms on the couch. What cuties!!!!

Overall, she really is a SuperBaby and is such a blessing in our lives. Despite the day to day frustration I may have with her personality and her fight for independence, I enjoy every moment of it. I am so excited to watch her grow and develop and to see her personality start to shine through. She is an amazing little lady and I am so glad that I have the opportunity to spend this time at home with her.


  1. Great update on Adalynn, thanks for that! Sounds like she and Abby are pretty similar!

  2. Your kids have the cutest smiles!

  3. Such sweet pics and I LOVE the curls!!!!

  4. LOVE the curls. Your Adalynn sounds SO much like my Alexis, who also has 2 brothers, but one older and one younger. She is so independent and a very strong personality. We butt heads often and I worry about her teenage years already. Is it a girl thing? Who knows, I am just praying for God's helping hand as she explores who she is. Jealous of the snow, but glad at the same time that I don't live in it.

  5. Just tonight I took a picture of Jared sitting ON our table, which happens to look a lot like yours! But then he stood up and tried to swing on the light and I had to grab him. ;) I can't believe how Adalynn resembles Camden at that age. And there is nothing more adorable than a big brother loving on his baby sister, LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of Broderick holding Adalynn!

  6. Glad the kids are loving the snow, I didn't realize that you didn't get the same amount as IN. I think it sounds like Adalynn and Sydney have similar personalities! Andrew is MUCH easier than she is and like you feel about Adalynn, I love Sydney to pieces but she also drives me CRAZY! I think our girls will both be well off in the future though bc no one is going to push them around! Also, just the other day I was looking at the pictures you sent at Christmas and thinking about how much Camden & Adalynn look alike, its really neat.

    Sending lots of hugs from IN!
