Adalynn had a fight with a can of Spaghetti-O's....and the Spaghetti-O's won!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Slowly, but surely
Recovery for Adalynn has been very slow. She is still not eating very well. She seems to really want to, but as soon as she puts it in her mouth, she spits it back out. She has been running a fever since the surgery, but the doctor isn't concerned. I spoke with the nurse and she just seems to think it is her body working to get rid of the anesthesia and healing. Last night was the first night that she slept somewhat decently, and even then she still woke up screaming out in pain. Her snoring is outrageously loud and related to all of the swelling in her mouth and throat which makes sleeping for John and I difficult as well.
Broderick had a recheck on his ears and his hearing was tested again. His left ear continues to decline and is significantly worse than it was when it was last tested. He complained a few weeks ago about it hurting and the pediatrician checked it and said it was fine. Broderick complained again last night, and the ENT looked today and said his ear drum was recessed (whatever that means) and put him on an antibiotic. I hate that he is struggling so much with his hearing, especially since I completely relate. It is the worst thing in the world knowing that people are talking and you can't hear what is going on. Watching T.V. with someone else is really hard, because they think they T.V. is really loud and you can hardly hear it.
Please continue to pray for Adalynn as she recovers as well as for Broderick as we determine the next steps with his hearing. He goes back to the ENT in a few weeks.
Friday, May 16, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Surgery Update
Surgery is scheduled for 10:15 on Thursday. We have to be at the new Outpatient Surgery Center at Scottish Rite around 8:45. The actual procedure is only 30 minutes and we are supposed to be home the same day.

I love the picture of Adalynn crying. She looked so cute in her "church clothes" (as Camden calls them), but of course when I sat her down to take her picture, she just got mad. I thought you all would enjoy it anyways. She's crying already in anticipation for her next surgery.
Please continue to pray that all goes well on Thursday.
Monday, May 12, 2008

We were able to spend last weekend with Heather and Jesse and the boys had a blast. Jesse is getting ready to head to Iraq to be a fire fighter/EMT on a military base. We wish him the best of luck. Check out his blog!
We all went bowling and had a great time. There was also a good-bye party for Jesse and the boys enjoyed their new fenced in yard (notice the filthy knees and sweaty faces).

We still don't have any details about Adalynn's surgery this week, but as soon as we do we'll let you know.
For all of those that have been asking....our summer plans
-last day of school June 11
-Adalynn's party June 14
-Leave for PA (find a house) June 15
-Go to IN (visit family) June 19
-Adalynn's party #2 June 21
-John leaves IN June 22
-We leave IN July 1
-Move to PA mid/late-July
I can't believe the summer is so booked already. We have so much to do and still so much to pack. Please keep us in your prayers over the next few months (especially John as he works on his dissertation and Adalynn-her next surgery). I don't things could get any crazier....
Other prayer requests:
Ryan and Missy Morgan
Jesse and Heather Bernard
Friday, May 2, 2008
Upcoming Surgery
Adalynn's next surgery is scheduled for May 15th. We don't have a time yet, but as soon as we do, I will let you all know. She is having her palate closed for the second time. There is a very small spot that opened back up and since she is still having so much nasal regurgitation, the Craniofacial surgeon thought it best to close it now. It is just supposed to be outpatient surgery and we should be home the same day. I am especially worried about the arm restraints this time (since she is so mobile now-and so much more aware). We pray that all goes well and this will be the last one for at least 2-3 years.