I am really excited about the new app I just downloaded to my iPhone!! It will allow me to update the blog as well as add photos and videos straight from my phone (which is convenient seeing as though the majority of my photo-taking occurs on my phone).
So, the last time I posted was just after Christmas. It's hard to believe we are well into April already. The kids have been busy with basketball, scouts, dance, and baseball just started.
I took my written comps in February and have officially finished my Masters. I will be walking in graduation in May.
John has been busy traveling all over. With interviews in numerous places and an upcoming trip to Seattle, I am very jealous. I'd be fine going anywhere and taking a few days off of mommy duty.
So here are some photos from the past few months. I hope this works!!!! If so, you my be finally seeing more of me.
We had TONS of snow this year. I don't even know how many total days of school we missed, but I know it was a crazy amount. We added several days into the existing calendar and even more at the end. We are in school until June 20th. Ugh!!!!

Snow angels

Snow ball fights




Crazy hair day....I cant beleive how long his hair is getting

Basketball pics
And Happy First Day of Spring at Ritas!!!

Daddy was the Mystery Reader

Chase 'got little' according to Adalynn. Amazing what a difference a haircut makes.
Too bad we can't talk this one into a haircut....though the long hair is growing on me and I do have to admit, it is kind if cute. His great grandpa wouldn't have agreed though!!!

And I leave you with a video of my little "tap dancing elephant" She is growing up way too fast!!!!! I can't believe her first dance recital is coming up so quickly and then birthday number 4 will quickly follow.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone